It's been many weeks since we've been able to visit the block and get dirty for a cause. Very much due to Jill's selfless dedication and hard work towards her upcoming performance tour, which has been chewing up our weekends and covering our dining table in mountains of half finished costumes.
We're both in need of a Mia Mia excursion, Jill more so than I, as it's an amazing place to cut ourselves off from TV, road noise and the general cramped feeling of our apartment. Oscar asks to go to Mia Mia every Saturday as it was our ritual for quite a while. I think he will be just as excited to get back there as we are, William on the otherhand I think will just go with the flow like always.
Above is a picture of a kangaroo I took while Jill and I were shovelling gravel for our patio. He was about 5 and a half feet tall and eating grass with another couple of kangaroos including juvenile that was slightly bigger than a joey.
In the picture he's standing about 3 meter's to the right of where the back of our proposed house will be. Technically it's the front door but it's actually the back of the building and is right in the middle of our block.
This is the area that our block is located in:
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When Jill's tour is over we'll be able to start going back to Mia Mia but that's still 2 or 3 weeks away yet.
Until then I'll leave you with the roo bouncing away after I spooked them all.